The calendar states that it is the last day of March, but looking out the window this morning, I'm not so sure. We went for a walk yesterday afternoon. It was a lovely day, a little crisp, with just a few fluffy snowflakes coming down. We remarked that if it was a day in November how exciting the snow would be. Sigh. It is pretty though.

I seem to remember sometime way back mentioning this was a CRAFT blog, but it seems that I written about every but crafts. I went through my work basket yesterday, the one that I keep next to my chair in the living room, thinking that I needed to tidy it up a bit. I discovered at least 5 unfinished projects, including this little guy. All his little bits were crocheted, I just needed to sew him together, which is the part I always hate. But I persevered and managed to complete him. He looks a bit deranged, I know, especially the whiskers, but I think he'll be an ideal companion for my friend's new baby boy.

Some of the other projects may be completely abandoned, but I am making it my mission to get some projects completed before starting anything new. Eek, I've got a lot of work to do.
Wow that is quite alot of snow for March 31st!. I love this cat! He doesn't look derranged, perhaps a little quizzical??
Oh - I have tagged you! I hope you don't mind? Come over and visit and you can see.
Take Care
Clare x
Oh so clever! I find crochet to be so, so difficult! Much admiration!
Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog, by the way. x
CAn you believe the snow?
I have tagged you for a 6 word meme on my blog today, telling your life's philosophy in 6 words--hop over for rules, hope you'll play!
We had spring snow too. My pansies are flowercicles.
Oh that is too bad about the snow!! I know you must be ready for spring weather!
Looks like you had a really great trip to Seattle.
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