I'm trying really hard to hate winter, but how can I when I look at the window last night to this...
It's very cold outside today, too cold to be outside very long. No blue sky out there today. Everything is white. We almost thought we'd get a snow day as most schools seem to be closed throughout the rest of Southern Alberta. E and I were both a bit disappointed. I had visions of staying indoors all day drinking coffee (me) and hot chocolate (E), eating bowls of popcorn, and playing scrabble. Oh well, at least it's too cold to shovel the side walk.
I understand your entrancement with still freshly-fallen snow. It just looks so clean. And when it sparkles?
Your idea of a "at home" non-school day sounds like fun too. Maybe some day soon... (Wait ~ I have "at home" days on Mon, Wed, & Fri altho K is absent at preschool on Wed afternoons! I try to cram in work during my work-week days so my "at home" days start FT in mid-April!)
No shopping conquests on your mini-trip to boast about? LOL!
We never have snow days here in Saskatoon... I don't get it! Especially when it's -44 outside. I also love the pristine snow, in the light of night it looks like diamonds, doesn't it?
I loved your comment about loving a man who will risk frostbite for you!!! What a great guy! Sounds a lot like my DH...
Thank you for the photo! Neat shot.
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