Sunday, August 28, 2011


Miss Lizzie is all geared up for back to school this Tuesday, clothes-wise that it. We went shopping on Friday and brought along our friend JJ, our neighbourhood fashion guru for some advice. The girls gathered up all their new clothes and treated us to a 2 hour + fashion show. I played photographer.

It's so much fun to shop for Lizzie these days. We aren't limited to children's stores anymore so we have so much selection. Unfortunately, it's also become much more expensive.

Larger clothes = more money?

A little bling on the back pocket of Lizzie's jeans.

I'm not sure where the long, long legs come from, certainly not from me.

Oh what style these girls have.

I'm pretty sure my 13-year-old self would have been totally jealous.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Cute! I'm so dreading K outgrowing children's clothing because of all the scantily clad clothing available on the market! This post eases my worries a bit!