Last night when I came home, it was beautiful and clear outside. All day, the snow melted and there were slushy puddles everywhere. Today, we woke up to snow! Granted, it does look much prettier, all white and clean, but, oh, how I long for spring. I want to put away the heavy winter coats that are cluttering the front entry way. Even my snazzy little wool jacket that I bought last fall and love so much, is starting to look less appealing. Oh well. I'll just suck it up and wait for Mother Nature to decide when it is spring.

This is my current go-to project. It sits in the basket beside my chair in the living room, for me to grad whenever I watch television or need something to work on at the skating rink. I must be the most boring yarn buyer in the world--I walked out of the store in Toronto with 14 balls of dark gray wool. It's very lovely wool though, baby llama, which I purchased to make the sweater pictured below. It will probably take me a long time, so this will be a fall sweater, I think, or maybe for those in-between days of late spring. Weather in Southern Alberta is very unpredictable!

I fancy that I'll look just like her when I wear it. Yeah right! All I really hope for is that it will be cozy and warm...and pretty (Lizzie's suggestion).
Love the pattern, love the color choice--it's going to be gorgeous and you are talented with a capital T!
Love it!
Hi there: Great sweater. It is so beautiful. Well, it's your sassy apron swapper here. Your package is on the way! I hope it arrives quickly. I didn't get your e-mail address, so you'll have to write to me first. I'm Michele at calicodaisy (at) gmail (dot) com. Don't look at my blog if you want to be surprised by mail. I had to do my blogging and posting of pictures already because I'll be gone all weekend, and I don't want to be too late chatting about it. I haven't uploaded the pictures to the flickr group yet, though. I'll wait until you receive it. Looking forward to hearing from you. -- Michele
Wow. I wish I could make a sweater like that! I can't wait to see the finished product.
Ooooohhhh that jumper looks gorgeous! I wish I could knit! Whenever I try, things end up looking like Swiss cheese for some reason! lol Hope you're having a wonderful week sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
I am soooo impressed with your sweater pattern! Am looking forwrad to seeing the end result!
oh that's gorgeous - I have just bought loads of grey yarn for a cardigan sure it sas something deep about us...
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