Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back from the dead

I'm back finally. I still have one night left but I think I hit my stride last night. I slept like a rock today, but I don't have that zombie-like feeling that I've had the past few days.  Seriously, I could have just taken a picture of myself, sealed it up in a jar, and sent it off to Chantelle as my Zombie Jar. However, I have some other ideas, so Chantelle is safe from having to look at my face in the jar.

Did you enjoy Lizzie's posts? I sure liked reading them. She's such a funny little girl, and she's very creative. Thank you Lizzie for helping me out for a few days.

This is one sight that gives me a little thrill every morning. These sycamore saplings grew from seeds left from a tree we had to (sadly) have removed a few years ago. They looked a bit pathetic in the heat of the summer, all droopy and such, but they turn such a beautiful orangey-red colour in the fall.

A little close up. We will probably have to weed out a few of the saplings soon or we'll have a veritable forest in the back yard. But they are sure pretty.

I'm looking forward to having a few days off so I can complete some projects and finish, er, start, some papers. Just as long as I can spend the night in my bed, I'll be happy.

Have a lovely weekend.

Image source for zombie: sharemyNZ


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the land of the living, at least for a little while! Lizzy did a great job in your absence.

Your trees scream FALL IS COMING!

MJ said...

Glad to see you are surviving! Just think, this is coming to an end soon! You can do it!

sassy said...

Ooo, I love to see my name in print! And even better...with zombie jars! This is my first jar Oliver.....I am a little green and not quite sure of what you expect but I am having a ton of fun putting it together!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Wow. It's a big adjustment.

That foliage has to help, a bit.

3rdEyeMuse said...

hooray and welcome back!

Lizzie-y did a stand up job as your temporary replacement.

keep the "changing of the colors" photos coming - they are lovely (and seriously make me want to travel north).

Saucy said...

We loved Lizzie's posts. I am hoping you can send some pics of your jar for Chantelle when it is all done up.. I'll hang onto them and post them on the zombie jar blog on the 25th.