Actually, look what I discovered yesterday. We've had a couple of weeks of very spring-like temperatures and the earth is starting to respond. It will be slow, probably a good month before I can take pictures without using the close up. These are the beginnings of some much hated day-lilies that were planted by the previous owners. I'll tell you about why I hate them another time. However, green is green and I celebrate whatever I can get at this point.
I can't even tell you what these are, but they are green. I don't know half of what's in my flower beds. I've accidently weeded out more than a few things, so eventually I will just need to start over from scratch. Yet another thing for the list of what I will do when I have more time and money.
Lizzie's birthday party is this Sunday. She's so excited. I skipped class this morning so I'd have extra time to prepare the house for the party. So far all I've done is visit my bloggy friends, drink coffee, and eat a bagel. I think it's time to get to work.
Have a great weekend, my lovelies. I'll post pictures of the party next week.
Update: I'm sitting at my computer on a Friday night, working on yet another term paper. I have quite the life, I know. I just found out that I passed my Ethics course, the course I have hated more than any other one I've ever done. It made me cry a few times and caused me more than a little amount of grief, but I did it...and I'm just so happy I could cry some more, but I won't. I'll go to bed instead. Good night.
Oh boy! I wish we had those coming up. Actually we might, I just need to get out there and check. Can't wait til everything is in full bloom! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Lucky you! Signs of spring! So far I'll content myself with seeing grass!
Congrats to you for doing well in school...doesn't that feel great!
Congratulations on the Ethics course! yay!! Lovely photo's sweetie, very striking! Make sure you take lots of pics to share with us of Lizzie's party ok?! Have a great week sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
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