My sweet Lizzie has been home sick for two days now. The novelty of being home on a school day wore off after the first hour or so. Cartoons have been watched, books have been read, Horse Isle & Webkins websites updated, and video games played. Plus mom is busy studying and going to school, so I'm not a great companion for her. Poor little girl.
I would just kill for the opportunity to stay home and do nothing. Isn't that just the thing with mothers? We can be deathly ill, but still feel the need to clean the bathroom. I have such a hard time doing nothing. I always have to have a project in my hands. I can't even watch tv without knitting and/or reading a magazine or book at the same time. I think I have a problem.
Tomorrow the big exam day, so I've been studying like crazy. I can't wait until 1:00pm tomorrow for it to be all over, until finals start that is.
Oooh... good luck with the exam. You'll be so happy to be done tomorrow night. So sorry Lizzie is sick.
Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog...
Being sick at home isn't too bad...I remember once my Mom must have felt bad for me and she stayed home from work and we made a yarn doll together, which I still have. I told her many years later how much it meant to me. I'm sure your little one appreciates all the time you spent with her!
I hope Lizzie feels better soon! I wish you luck on your exam! Yes you will feel so much better tomorrow...
So cold here this am--15 degrees F! I guess it probably gets much colder where you are though...
Aaawwww, I'm sorry to hear the your darling little Lizzie is unwell. I hope she's feeling better really soon, and best of luck with your exams sweetie! A hug for you both!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Hahaha! I was just like you last night when I posted of feeling time-compressed yet still posted! Good luck on your exam & hope little Lizzie is back to her self soon!
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